Monday, June 14, 2010

A Little Ranting Never Hurt Anyone

Its a beautiful Monday morning ...why,you ask?
In a large portion, the the B-lore weather, which has considerably improved over the last week,can be held responsible. All of Bangalore has been sighing over one of the best weekends to go by, weather-wise. This weekend also got me, together the girls (y & v) on an oestrogen high, over Sex and the City - the movie (which, by the way we thoroughly enjoyed, call me shallow if you will) followed by a laaazzzzzy lunch peppered with some male-bashing at The Only Place. And trust me, lunching with the ladies is to the soul, what maybe a session at the spa is to your body. I prescribe for all women - one mandatory session with the girls every month, RX.
getting back to my Monday morning... beautiful it may be, but fruitful ... maybe not. For the nth time, i resolved to begin exercising regularly ( and pigs will fly said the husband). And yesterday, both the hubby and I took to the swimming pool in a bid to get those muscles moving. I had a vague idea that splashing in the pool would kick start my body and I would perhaps begin lifting some weights every morning. End result of all my splashing in the water (and some mighty splashing it was, since im still learning to swim) was that i wake up Monday morning with aches in all place. My weights are resigned, yet again to gather dust in the cupboard. Mea Culpa ...

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