Monday, August 27, 2007

Onam away from Home

Happy Onam to all !

In a new twist to the traditional Onam Sadhya, the plantain leaf this year saw some new additions ..... chappatis , potato salad , capsicum vegetable .
However, notice how we managed to retain the integrity of the meal with some poppadoms.....!!

Bookstore browsing

Today I was at Crossword, a bookstore in Bangalore. The intent was to gloss over some of the new bestsellers, and to relax in the couches with a magazine. There was no intent of buying anything , just some harmless and fun browsing. And then it happened...... of late , iv been obsessed with the lives of film stars and the glitz and glamour in the cine-world and the television world.Not your average informative or even interesting reading experience right? Pretty much shallow , I would say. But, the craving has stuck on like a bad habit.
So at Crossword, whenI spied a coffee table book on FRIENDS, I picked it up and made myself comfortable in the couch , browsing the travails of Mattew Perry and co. And thats what I did for the next 1 Hour ! Next week I think Im going to go back and pick up that tempting glossy book on 'Sex & the City' !

Resolution for the week .... to try and finish Shantaram which Iv had with me for over 4 months now....

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Going the Potter way with my first post ;-)

What is it about Harry potter that makes people – young and old want to know what next in the saga of the ‘boy who lived’ and the fantasy land of witches, wizards and their adventures?
Potter-bug bit me at the release of the Goblet of fire…. and out of curiosity I read the first 3 books of the series. Witch-craft which hitherto used to denote evil….suddenly became a wonderful land of fun, mystery & adventure. I fell…hook, line and sinker!
It could be because the magic world transported me back to Enid Blyton and her Faraway tree …..but here, instead of magical lands, picnic hampers and apple pie there were Diagon-Alley s , wands , potions and bertie’s-ever-flavoured beans !
Perhaps it’s the little things like these that make frenzied fans camp outside Waterstone bookstore in London (supposedly the place to be for potter maniacs) waiting for the midnight release of the last of the Harry Potter series.
Will there be more?... don’t know the answer to that one. And I speak for all those millions of fans out there when I say I certainly hope for more tales from the JK Rowling stable.