Wednesday, September 3, 2008

24th view

In my relentless quest for weekend adventure (that includes my "exciting" circuit of malls and restaurants and coffee shops on weekends), today (a simu-weekend cos it was ganesh chaturti, hence a day off) i resolved to go where no sane mall-hopping bangalorean has deemed to go before.

The highest point in Bangalore is not a peak, its the government utility building in the heart of the urban jungle. All of 25 floors tall. And today's mission was to see how the view was from the top.
And so, with P in tow, i ventured into the building. Noticing the "marriage registration" sign for the 10th floor, my mind began conjuring up images of baazigar, with srk throwing shilpa setty off the terrace of the building. I hoped that P wouldnt attempt the same, cos he was hinting at doing something of the sort if i didnt stop dragging him around town like this.

So we made an attempt to get into the only working lift of the 4 that were there. This involved a complicated activity of nimbly jumping into the lift before the doors closed on you. The doors were opening much before the lift touched ground. Mighty impatient lift that was !

Once inside , we press the 24th floor button. the chap in the lift with us presses 23. He disembarks at 23, we got out at 24. We looked around at the bare walls. There was nothing -we were in a corridoor 4ft by 2ft surrounded by some ancient looking doors that were locked. Turned back to summon the lift. Turns out there are no buttons to call for the lift (cold sweat breaks out)

So we were stranded on the 24th floor in a tiny closeted space with no means to get out and getting claustrophobic by the minute. While P was thinking which of friends lived closet to MG road so he could come and rescue us, I was thinking of which of the locked doors would suddenly burst open and a raging lunatic would jump on us.

After 5 minutes of this, the lift magically came up and rescued us. All relieved and in smiles, we got off at the 23 floor which turned out to be the computerised railway booking center. All three counters of it. And surrounded by bags of cement. And just 1 man manning it. Talk about "buzzing with activity"!

So we sauntered around the 23rd floor, and took in the view from the windows. And breath-taking it was. Great views of MG road , INOX, all three malls, a fabulous view of UB city. We spent some time there, happily clicking away. And then rode the lift back safe ground.

Next weekend we plan to go back to the 23rd floor and check out the view at night (though P doesnt know this of course ;-))