Thursday, June 19, 2008

It happened one Morn....

A gal woke up one morning and realised that she was terribly out of shape and in danger of competing in girth with the friendly neighbourhood aunty.
She resolved to go jogging every morning. With stead-fast determination, she put on her Urban Uoga outfit (bought the previous weekend) and laced up her Nikes. She strode out of her 6th floor flat and walked.... right into her lift.
Whoops ! Blooper...what self-respecting jogger would take th elift instead of the stairs? she thought to herself.
Anyways, she rode the lift to the ground floor and walked out to the colony park. Looking around her, at the people jogging , excerising and walking , she felt sufficiently motivated. She plugged in her i-pod and to the beat of "free falling" she started jogging steadily around the park. 2 laps and a few aching muscles later, she felt pleased with herself. Aah life was good!
She took the lift back to her flat... what the hell, after all that exercise, she felt she deserved the lift ride.
She walked into her apartment and looked in the mirror.... aah that glow of health (or sweat ) felt like a literal pat on her back.

"Shinta..... iv made pooris for breakfast, come have them while they are hot" yelled Y from the kitchen.

And with that, all my resolution for a healthier lifestyle took a flying leap out of my 6th floor window.

Its been 2 months now, and my Urban Yoga outfit and my Nikes still miss me!