Monday, August 27, 2007

Onam away from Home

Happy Onam to all !

In a new twist to the traditional Onam Sadhya, the plantain leaf this year saw some new additions ..... chappatis , potato salad , capsicum vegetable .
However, notice how we managed to retain the integrity of the meal with some poppadoms.....!!

Bookstore browsing

Today I was at Crossword, a bookstore in Bangalore. The intent was to gloss over some of the new bestsellers, and to relax in the couches with a magazine. There was no intent of buying anything , just some harmless and fun browsing. And then it happened...... of late , iv been obsessed with the lives of film stars and the glitz and glamour in the cine-world and the television world.Not your average informative or even interesting reading experience right? Pretty much shallow , I would say. But, the craving has stuck on like a bad habit.
So at Crossword, whenI spied a coffee table book on FRIENDS, I picked it up and made myself comfortable in the couch , browsing the travails of Mattew Perry and co. And thats what I did for the next 1 Hour ! Next week I think Im going to go back and pick up that tempting glossy book on 'Sex & the City' !

Resolution for the week .... to try and finish Shantaram which Iv had with me for over 4 months now....