Saturday, January 26, 2008

And then some more ....

After yesterday's food rampage .... today turned out to be just as good a food fest as yesterday. This time round it was Andhra food .... think Red Chillies ( the extreme kind ! ) , meat slathered in some potent red paste .... you get the picture .
A few mouthfulls and smoke was bursting out of my ears , my tongue was just short of being on fire,,,, but you know , in a GOOD way ;-)
Todays lunch was on our AVP , who was brave enough to suggest a treat at his expense , after knowing very well how poor we left our managers yesterday. After tasting all from the biryani to the "ponnu " , I decided to take a time out.

Dont hate me dear stomach ...

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Food Porn

Today was a day of indulgence ... in chinese food - the variety that has oodles of soya sauce, chilli ( even tomatoes in shezwan noodles ;-))
my team-leads' recent promotion to managers led them to this necessary evil ( for them!) .... a treat at "Chopsticks " the one & only chinese restaurant in E-city. Nice place ... ... the hotel that houses Chopsticks used to have a garden area which wasnt utilized for long , untill someone realised its potential as a restaurant , and thus hotel management proceeded to invest in cartloads of "chinese" lanterns, fans , and some bonsai bamboos ( you know , the ones you get in those mini glass beakers supposedly providing the required yin & yang ;-) ) ..... all of the above sourced from National market ( where else ?) .
Truth be told , nobody gives a damn for authenticity or feng-shui ... when the food is YUMM ...
and that it was ! and we pigged out like .... err pigs . And who can work on a full stomach ? no not one of us could withstand the effects that the mega meal had on us .

Greasy chinese - definitely not conducive to the workplace .

PS- what's chicken in oyster sauce anyway ? sauce thats meant to look like the goo that you see inside an oyster ? hmmmm

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Roomie takes a bad tumble :-((

Sometime around 11 pm Sunday night , roomie Y lost control of her steering wheel and hit the boundary wall of the Dairy Circle flyover while travelling from Bannerghatta road to Koramangala. Due to the impact ,the santro hit the opposite wall and came to a rest on its left side

( pregnant pause to digest this ;-/)

The incident left Y with a broken nose , bruises and a hairline fracture. In spite of being injured , Y retained her good humour and the patent Y jokes ... when asked by the doctor whether she had been drinking, she did her signature 2-thumb-shake-in-the-air by way of saying "no". It pretty much summed up how she took the whole accident in her stride and put all of us (especially roomie Aax , who was with Y after the accident ) at ease.

Y's dad arrived on Monday and several rounds of jokes from him convinced us that the Lobo family really knew how best to find cheer in a gloomy situation ... uncle had this theory that Y was distracted by some cute boys on the road , and in waving out to them , she may have lost control ..... :-))

Y is now at home in Goa with family , hopefully she will rest like she ought to instead of running around in circles like she is prone to doing .

Take care , dear , get well soon !